Wednesday, July 7, 2010

FYI, India and Indonesia are different...

Again, something unusual always happen in Indian flights this time, it happens 2 times to Kumbang.

Incident 1

Crew : Heiiii, you must got a lot of this flight, right?
Kumbang : Errrr.. not really, why?
Crew : Because you are from here, isn't it??
Kumbang : *polos* Ooh, no.. I'm from Indonesia
Crew : What's the different?
Kumbang : *speechless*

Incident 2

Kumbang mencoba memulai percakapan dengan crew lain yang sedang membaca majalah.

Kumbang : So, you catch flight often?
Crew : Yes, very often, how about you? You are from.....??
Kumbang : I'm from Jakarta.. Naah.. I'm not really catching flight back home
Crew : Ooohhh yeah.. You are from India, right??
Kumbang : *sungguh menyesal memulai percakapan dengan crew tersebut, dan sungguh ingin menggeplak si crew tersebut dengan majalahnya*

how can you be a flight attendant if you don't even know the difference between India and Indonesia ?????

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