Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You Know You Are Cabin Crew When....

1. You can eat a 4 course meal standing at the kitchen counter.

2. You search for a button to flush the toilet

3. You look for the "crew line" at the grocery store

4. You can pack for a 2 week trip in 1 roll-aboard

5. All of your pens have different hotel names on them

6. You NEVER unpack

7. You can recognize pilots by the backs of their heads-but not by their faces

8. You can tell from 70 yards away if a piece of luggage will fit in the overhead bin

9. You care about the local news in a city three states away

10. You can speak thank you in more than 5 languages

11. You know at least 25 uses for air sickness bags-none of which pertain to vomit

12. you understand and actually use the 24-hour clock

13. You own 2 sets of uniforms: fat and thin

14. You are not actually aware of the day (if its mon,tues etc..)

15. You get excited every last week of the month because rosters will be out

16. Your wallet is filled up with different currencies

17. You stand at the front door and politely say "Buh-bye, thanks, have a nice day" when someone leaves your home

18. You can make a sentence using all of the following phrases: "At this time, " "For your safety, " "Feel free, " and "As a reminder"

19. You actually understand the sense of using a dual time watch.

20. You stop and inspect every fire extinguisher you pass, just to make sure the "gauge is in the green"

21. Your thighs are covered in bruises from armrests and elbows

22. You wake up and have to look at the hotel stationery to figure out where you are

23. You refer to cities by their airport codes

24. Every time the doorbell rings you look at the ceiling. (Don't understand? Ask a cabin crew!)

25. You actually understand every item on this list

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