Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Paper Juice

Once upon a time, during the meal & drink service

Melati : What would you like to drink, Sir?
Passenger : Paper juice?
Melati : *bingung* Paper juice? What's that?
Passenger : Paper juice *with his confident smile*
Melati : Errr.. We have Orange Juice, Apple Juice and Tomato Juice, which one Sir?
Passenger : Paper juice *and give the look -you're a cabin crew, you should've know what is paper juice-*
Melati : What is that?? *give the look -do you think I know what is paper juice????-*
Passenger : *talk to his friend in Chinese*
His Friend : *geleng2 kepala*
Melati : *dalem hati : temen lo aja ga tau, apalagi gue.. -__-"* Yes, sir?
Passenger : This one *nunjuk2 Coke*
Melati : You mean Coke sir?????
Passenger : Yes..
Melati : *sambil nuang Coke : dari tadi kekk.. pake tebak2an dulu paper juice apaan -__-"*


  1. bubur kertas dijadiin juice bisa jadi paper juice... mungkin softdrinknya biasa di cup kertas kali ya? ini pasti orang mainland deh. *sotoy* haha

  2. betuuuuull.. hahahaha.. tp dia lumayan rapi gitu kok ndra.. kyk businessman gitu.. makanya bingung juga kok nyebut coke jadi paper juice ya??? hahaha.. mungkin maksudnya pepper yg merk soda itu kali yaa :))
