Friday, October 14, 2011


We haven't update much lately.

Its because we're busy flying... traveling... and hanging around... like we always did on our days off...

We still have some weird passengers. Yup, a lot of them

We still have funny things to tell

We still have silly behaviors

And yes, some more stories coming :)

Mosquito Repellent to eat

Pada suatu hari, Melati dan Kumbang sedang makan malam di restoran dekat rumah mereka. 

Kumbang : Excuse me, can I have a Tabasco please?
Waiter 1 : Ok.

......menunggu 10 menit.......

Kumbang : Excuse me, can I have Tabasco please?
Waiter 2 : What??
Kumbang : Tabasco..
Waiter 2 : *gak ngerti* mmm.. what??
Kumbang : Tabasco??
Waiter 2 : mmmm... *geleng2 kepala* Ok

......menunggu 10 menit.......

Kumbang : Excuse me, do you have Tabasco?
Waiter 3 : yes....
Kumbang : So... Can I have it?
Waiter 3 : *sigap* sure!!!

......5 detik kemudian.......

Waiter 3 : there you go... *ngasih MOSQUITO REPELLENT trus ngacir*
Kumbang : *bengong* ......gue td ngomongnya Tabasco kan yah??
Melati : udah..udah.. sini gue ambil sendiri

minta TABASCO kok dikasihnya MOSQUITO REPELLENT....???? disuruh bunuh diri apa ya.......

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nick Hornby vs Nicholas Sparks

Melati : Lo ada film The Last Song ga?
Kumbang : Hmm.. ga tau deh kyknya udah gue apus..
Melati : Yaahhh... sama film yg satu lg tuh.. hmmm apa tuh judulnya.. yg dari bukunya Nick Hornby juga
Kumbang : Nick Hornby ?
Melati : *sok tau* iyaaaa.. itu lho yg nulis buku nya The Last Song..
Kumbang : Yg nulis bukunya The Last Song itu Nicholas Spark.......
Melati : *malu* Eh iya maksud gue itu.. yaa sama2 Nick kan depannya
Kumbang : *ngikik* gue ga kenal Nick Hornby siapa..
Melati : lho, dia penulis juga bukan?
Kumbang : Emang iya ?
Melati : *langsung googling* bener kan Nick Hornby penulis juga (dalem hati : untung Nick Hornby penulis juga, kalo enggak kan malu banget gue!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm eating bear

once upon a time, one set of crew having lunch in outport, then they're having a conversations about food.

Male Crew : Yeah, in my country they will even eat beer.
Captain : *bingung* beer?
Male Crew : Yes, we eat beer's hands.
Captain : *bengong*
Female Crew : *bingung, beer kok di 'makan'* what is beer?
Male Crew : *diam sejenak* ehhh sorry2.. I mean, they used to eat BEAR's hand
The whole set of crew : WHAT?!?!?!
Male Crew : *santai* yeah, and the bear still alive, they will just cut the hands like that
Crew : ...............................

its better if you tell people that you eat beer than you eat bear, right?